Where all came from!
We heard many rationalizations from the scientific community of how the world came to be: Evolution, the 'Big Bang,' etc. So far, these theories fail to give a real account of Creation, and they fall short of being real science. They ignore the obvious and avoid examining logical questions like: From where did all matters originate? Even when the bare scientific truth is made clear by the first and second Laws of Thermodynamics, they adopt faulty hypotheses because they refuse to believe that a designer is behind the physical world's creation. While scholars and scientists debate, agree and disagree on the origin of the physical world, the real designer's recorded proclamation of all things reveals, without doubt, how the world was created. The only text that reveals the answer to these questions is found in the scripture, the biblical account. Nothin' from Nothin' Leaves Nothin' At the risk of complicating things further, I would like to refer to a few more scientific realities before we continue to explore our beliefs. In studying science or mathematics, we come across two different terms: theories and laws. In common usage, the word theory is often used to signify a conjecture, an opinion, speculation, or a hypothesis; hence a theory is not necessarily based on facts. In other words, it is not required for theories to be proven real or consistent with facts. They are merely propositions that need to be tested against reality. Once a theory is developed and scientifically proven to be factual and consistent, it is a Scientific Law. A Theory, then, implies relatively insufficient evidence to provide more than a tentative prognosis, while a Scientific Law is as near to a readily demonstrable fact as we can rationally come. To continue, we will consider Scientific Laws that have been tested and scientifically proven to be consistently correct. The most significant Laws of Physics to come out of the 18th century are known as the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics. A basic description of the First Law of Thermodynamics is that energy or matter can be changed from one form to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed. A piece of paper on your desk contains energy that is not active or in motion - think of it as static energy. Nevertheless, if you take this piece of paper and set it on fire, it burns and is transformed into a heap of ashes, smoke, and flames. The 'unseen' energy in the paper was released and took the form of heat. In the same way as this piece of paper, many other types of substances with 'dormant' energy are converted in nature or through an intended process. For example, burning gasoline in the piston's cylinder of a car's engine generates pressure, motion, etc. Again, you could not run this engine without fuel to create the pressure in the pistons that turn the engine's components and ultimately sets the car in motion. Material things can be changed from one form to another but can come to be out of nothing. "Nothin' from Nothin' Leaves Nothin'" is a song that was originally written by Billy Preston in the 1970s. Regardless of Preston's intent when he wrote this song, it describes the simple fact that we all naturally recognize: the First Law of Thermodynamics. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that "In all energy exchanges if no energy enters or leaves the system (object, matter or process), the potential energy of the state will always be less than that of the initial state." This is also commonly referred to as "entropy" or disorder. Entropy is more accurately defined as: "the degree of disorder in a system." Matters deteriorate as a result of energy loss; thus, they change from one form to another. Naturally, things deteriorate over time due to loss of energy (Dissipation, Dispersion, Evaporation, etc.), causing deterioration. The simplest way to illustrate entropy is to watch a spinning top as it slows down. Its orbit deteriorates, and the top wobbles until finally, it stops. The spinning top eventually loses its momentum as the friction (from its contact with a solid surface and the air) slows its spinning energy down until it stops. Another way to observe the evidence of entropy is to look around for deterioration. Everything loses its luster or energy through friction or corrosion and ultimately falls apart. So then, what do these laws tell us? One: Things come to be from nothing. Two: Things deteriorate and do not come to order from disarray. By nature, we question and contemplate where things came from; they could not just become from nothing.
You can disassemble your watch, place all of the parts in a box, and wait for trillions of years, but the components will never come to be a watch again. You may want to shake, bake, or boil it, but the fact still stands that it will never come to be a watch again without skilled intervention. The conclusion is that you will end up with a rusty collection of deteriorated parts. Of course, I am being facetious to make a point. Some may argue that organic matters work differently and may form living things from dead ones. I suggest that if you look into your trashcan; as a matter of fact, in all the trashcans and the trash dumps that have existed from the beginning of history up until the present moment, you will not find a single new living species. Only microorganisms that either lived in or were introduced to the trash grew into multi-colored slime, which excludes 'order came by chance.' The simple fact is that order does not form by chance out of disorder; rather, the opposite is true; organized matter deteriorates, and the end result is a form of chaos. So if God is the designer and creator of all things, did he leave for us markers to trace the origin of things or an explanation of how he did it? The answer is yes. First, in the book of Romans 1:19-20, Paul wrote, "Since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--His eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." ( Romans 1:19-20 ) This scripture appears to suggest that because of the splendor of the Creation and the remarkable complexity of the universe, a man should conclude that all things must have been created. While this is a valid conclusion, Paul's writing also points to an interesting fact. You see, Paul is saying that we distinctly understand God's reality and His ability when we comprehend how things are made; the working powers of the universe and the balance of its components bring us to that conclusion. Paul is not only saying that it can be known, but that it inevitably must be known. The aforementioned scripture ( Romans 1:19-20 ) was written in the Greek language, circa 57-58 A.D. I linked the Strong's Dictionary definitions in the footnotes, particularly for three words that Paul the Apostle used, to point out that by observing 'how things are made,' we clearly understand the physical laws and the dynamics that govern the universe. In turn, this understanding leads us to recognize the markers of intelligent design by an intelligent Creator. The Apostle states that all of Creation is craft far too intricate to have been formed by chance; instead, it must have been made by an omnipotent (all-powerful) and omniscient (all-knowing) and omnipresent (all-present) Creator. Thus, we have become aware of the invisible God, His eternal power, and Divine nature as we understand the working dynamics of His Creation. The laws of physics, mathematics, chemistry, and all the other branches of science are clearly observed in how the universe is designed. With all its components, the whole universe is governed by principles and laws to maintain the balance between vast numbers of competing forces. The planets and star systems are orbiting within strict time and space boundaries without the least deviation and are held in place with enormous power. Secondly, How things came to be from nothing? Again the answer is made clear in one of the most significant statements written in the book of Hebrews that reveals another dimension that existed apart from the physical universe: "By faith, we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible." ( Hebrews 11:3 ) The visible world was made out of that which is invisible. Assuming that Paul the Apostle is the writer of the book of Hebrews, what is he trying to tell us through this statement? There is another dimension that is not seen; it is not part of the physical universe. It exists before the beginning (outside) of time, and that God's word has that incredible power to create things out of that unseen dimension. When we look at the account of the Creation in Genesis 1:1-2 together with Hebrews 11:3 , we see that before the beginning, there was nothing relative to our physical world, no time, and no physical matter. That means no galaxies, no stars or planets, no space, no elements, nothing at all. We also see that the physical universe was created by an invisible force not related to the physical world. That God is not limited to time; His expressed word has the power to form the physical Creation from nothing that we know. Amazingly, the prospect that physical matter did not have to exist for the world to form. Instead, the physical (material world) may have been created from something else, outside the physical realm, namely invisible force. The natural man thinks that the world had to start with physical matter. All along, the answer in the scripture is pointing to the Creation of the physical world through another non-material force. So, you may ask, where is the scientific proof that matter becomes out of no- matter theory. Actually, it is no longer a theory; it has been proven in the lab. Recently, physicists at SLAC have produced the first-ever Creation of matter from light. The result is the creation of very small particles. Although so small and hardly can be labeled as Creation, the results validate the mathematical conclusion that energy can be transformed into matter. Energy, like light, can become an actual matter (substance) with weight and dimension when its movement (speed) is slowed down. Scientific experiments by Stanford, Harvard Universities, and others demonstrating the formation of matter by slowing down energy (light) are found on the Internet. The topic is continuously explored on the Internet. Here are some active links at the time of writing this book: Stanford: http://www.slac.stanford.edu/exp/e144/nytimes.html Harvard: http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2007/02/light-and-matter-united/ Physics Today: https://physicstoday.scitation.org/doi/full/10.1063/PT.3.2386 SLAC: http://www.slac.stanford.edu/exp/e144/discover.html Karen Kaplan, the science and medicine editor at the Los Angeles Times reported on the subject in May 19, 2014 article: Http://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-creating-matter-from-light-collider-20140519-story.html These scientific discoveries shed much light on the invisible dimension stated in Hebrews 11:3; how energy, not being visible, can become visible when transformed into a material substance.