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Writer's pictureSam Yacoub

Line in the Sand

Have you ever seen a crop circle? Do you remember when they first became the talk of the media?

National Geographic® Magazine

It's believed that crop circles had not appeared prior to the 1970s. Yet, some maintain that the appearance of crop circles is nothing new and that in the past, people discounted them as farmers' pranks. The circles began to appear as simple circular patterns, developing over time into complex geometric formations.

In the early '90s, two elderly landscape painters, Doug Bower and Dave Chorley, confessed that they had been making crop circles in English grain fields since the 1970s. John Lundberg is an English artist and documentary filmmaker. In the early 1990s, he founded Circle-makers, a UK based arts collective famous for covertly creating hundreds of the world's largest and most elaborate crop circles.

The interest in these phenomena became widespread in the nineties. Later, Hollywood aroused the world's interest with the 2002 release of M. Night Shyamalan's science fiction thriller, "Signs". The movie portrays Mel Gibson as a widowed farmer who protects his family in the face of an alien invasion. It would seem that the prospect of a paranormal explanation had captured the imagination of pop culture.

The question always was who made them? Various hypotheses have been offered to explain their formation, ranging from naturalistic causes, including man-made hoaxes, to paranormal explanations, including UFOs. However, despite the inherent mystique, many crop circles are known to be man-made. Regardless of the rationalization, the conclusions always pointed to an intelligent process behind the circles' designs. As a matter of fact, even when the circles were merely simple circular patterns, the logical conclusions always were someone, or something capable of intelligent design created these circles. The common question surrounding this phenomenon been, who and with what devise such circles were made? To further explore this question, I like to take you on a short trip. Imagine this: You are flying on an airliner from Los Angeles to Las Vegas. You are seated in a window seat. At 35,000 feet, you look down through your window and see a perfectly straight line in the desert sand, 2 miles long. Or, you are on your way to central Europe, and as you look down your window, you see a crop circle outside an English farm town. What would your first inclination of its origin be? Are you getting my drift? It does not matter how simple the design that you see, a crop circle or a line in the sand, it did not happen by itself or as a natural, spontaneous occurrence. The fact is that a consistent process was followed to form such a simple design, which led you to believe that an intelligent action was behind its formation. The point is not 'what or who' physically shoveled the sand around to make the line or used a tractor to make a crop circle, instead of a thoughtful process determined to form the design first followed by an action to apply or execute that thought. Now here is the peculiar scientific part. Intellectually, a line or a circle represents a simple one thought pattern. Mathematically, both represent one line code or equation. You don't really have to know this; you may still remember from high school's basic math that a line can be defined as y = mx + b (where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept.). In contrast, a circumference of a circle is defined by this relationship, C = p.2R (C is the Circumference and R is the Radius). My intend is not to get into expanded discussions on the linear array of symbols, rather is to demonstrate this point:

A line or a circle that we believe can't just happen without an intelligent intervention is made of a simple one "thought". On the other hand, a single human's DNA contains approximately 20,000-25,000 genes and written in an exquisite 'language' composed of some 3 billion genetic 'letters' with an incredible amount of codes that said to fill 384 volumes of encyclopedia Britannica or information that would fill 48 feet of library shelves!

However, in their actual size—which are only two-millionths of a millimeter thick (One inch divided by 12,500,000) —a teaspoon of DNA, according to molecular biologist Michael Denton, could contain all the information needed to build the proteins for all the species of organisms that have ever lived on the earth, and "there would still be enough room left for all the information in every book ever written" (Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, 1996, p. 334).

Then, why do some educators and scientists try to tell us that we, who are intricately and wonderfully designed, were created by chance over billions of years?

The answer to this question depends on our intent to believe. You see, the belief that we are created is within us, we know it, and we either acknowledge it or deliberately deny it as we choose not to accept the fact that we are the result of God's intended creation.

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